Alan Thomas

guitarist and composer

Three Dance Scenes (2021) for cello and guitar
I. Mischievous Barricades
II. Drifting Shadows
III. Forlane Refractions
duration: 11'00"
First Performance: duo En Cuerdas (cellist Cornelia Leuthold and guitarist David Talamante) 8th July 2021 Landenberghaud Greifensee, Zurich, Switzerland
To download the score, please go to my Gumroad shop page
Programme Note
François Couperin is one of my favourite composers. His harpsichord ordres and chamber music seem to contain the full range of human emotion, but always conveyed with a degree of detail and lightness of touch to which I aspire. My Three Dance Scenes take their inspiration from Couperin, drawing on three of his pieces for material and textures to be transformed in a variety of ways.